Dr Johannes Ulbricht is a specialist attorney for copyright and media law. In addition to law, Dr Ulbricht studied cultural management at the University of Hamburg.
Dr Ulbricht’s practice focuses on providing legal advice to domestic and foreign artists, artist managers and promoters of tours, concerts, festivals and musicals. He is the managing director of the collecting society ‘Gesellschaft zur Wahrnehmung von Veranstalterrechten (Society for the Safeguarding of Promoters’ Rights – GWVR)’, which he initiated.
Dr Ulbricht is a lecturer, inter alia, at the German Lawyers’ Academy in the further training of colleagues to become specialist lawyers for copyright and media law and is a member of the Copyright Law Committee of the German Cultural Council. As legal counsel, he has been advising members of the Federal Association of the Concert and Event Industry since 2003. In this capacity, he is also involved in negotiating GEMA tariffs and inclusive contracts for the concert event industry.
Dr Ulbricht is the author of various legal articles and – together with Prof. Jens Michow – co-author of the handbook ‘Veranstaltungsrecht – Das Recht der Kultur- und Unterhaltungsveranstaltungen’ (Event Law – The Law of Cultural and Entertainment Events), published by C.H. Beck. In addition, Dr Ulbricht has also authored several belletrist novels.